Papers submitted to Belantika Pendidikan will be screened for plagiarism using Turnitin plagiarism detection tools. Belantika Pendidikan will immediately reject papers leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
Before submitting articles to reviewers, those are first checked for similarity/plagiarism tool, by a member of the editorial team. The papers submitted to Belantika Pendidikan must have similarity level less than 20%.
a. refer and/or quoting terms, words and/or sentences, data and/or information from a source without citing sources in the record citation and/or without stating the source adequately;
b. refer and/or quoting random terms, words and/or sentences, data and/or information from a source without citing a source in the record citation and/or without stating the source adequately;
c. using a source of ideas, opinions, views, or theory without stating the source adequately;
d. formulate the words and/or sentences themselves from the source of words and/or phrases, ideas, opinions, views, or theory without stating the source adequately;
e. submit a scientific papers produced and/or published by others as a source of scientific work without express adequately.
In every article submitted to the Jurnal Pendidikan must be attached to a statement signed by the author that:
a. The article is free of plagiarism;
b. if at a later proved there is plagiarism in the article, the author is willing to accept the sanctions in accordance with the legislation.
a. reprimand;
b. letter of warning;
c. revocation of the article;